"How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth."

~Psalm 119:103

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


The very first word of the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) is hearken. This old-fashioned word is used frequently in the Bible and over 70 times in the D&C. President Russell M. Nelson has indicated that "it means 'to listen with the intent to obey.' To hearken means to 'hear Him'—to hear what the Savior says and then to heed His counsel" ("Hear Him," General Conference, April 2020).
hear·ken (här′kən) verb
1 Literary. to give heed or attention to what is said; listen.
2 Archaic. to listen attentively; give heed.

The Japanese kangi for the word listen is instructive as we consider what it means for us to hearken to the voice of the Lord.
This single symbol combines the symbols for the words ears, eyes, mind, heart, and undivided attention. This implies that listening is more than just hearing; rather true listening—or hearkening—requires the whole of us as well as our focus.
President Nelson has promised us great blessings if we will be more intentional in our efforts to "hear Him."
I promise that you will be blessed with additional power to deal with temptation, struggles, and weakness. I promise miracles in your marriage, family relationships, and daily work. And I promise that your capacity to feel joy will increase even if turbulence increases in your life.
These are certainly blessings I seek in my life! Our current prophet has promised that they can be ours— and we also see this promise in the preface to the D&C:
Search these commandments, for they are true and faithful, and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled.
How do we know that this is true? Because God keeps His promises!

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