As we were making preparations for our Spring Break trip to Southern California, my seventeen-year-old daughter asked me, somewhat incredulously, "Did you know that some people don't go to church while they are on vacation?" I'm happy that taking a "vacation" from church attendance is such a foreign concept to her!
Over the years we've enjoyed worshiping with the saints in such places as Cedar City, Moab, Portland, Half Moon Bay, Idaho Falls, and Denver - and once we even attended a singles ward near San Diego. We have always been warmly welcomed - and once we were even greeted by a member of the bishopric who turned out to be an old friend. The structure of the meetings is the same as at home, of course - with the administration of the sacrament as the most important feature - but the Spirit always provides me with an unanticipated gift of peace or knowledge or joy.
"Meet[ing] together oft" is such a blessing!

Visiting the East Pasadena Ward, March 2013.
"And that thou mayest more fully
keep thyself unspotted from the world,
thou shalt go to the house of prayer
and offer up thy sacraments
upon my holy day" (D&C 59:9).
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